jeudi 14 janvier 2016

names of jobs in english

acteur/actrisse actor/actriz  actor/actress
agriculteur agricultor  farmer
architecte arquitecto  architect
astronaute astronauta  astronaut
avocat abogado  lawyer
berger pastor  shepherd
bijoutier joyero  jeweller
boucher carnicero  butcher
boulanger panadero  baker
camioneur camionero  lorry driver
chanteur cantante  singer
chauffeur de taxi taxista  taxi driver
chirurgien cirujano  surgeon
coiffeur/coiffeuse peluquero  hairdresser
comptable contable  accountant
concierge portero  caretaker
conducteur conductor  driver
conseiller asesor  consultant
contremaître capataz  foreman
cordonnier zapatero  shoemaker
cuisinier cocinero  cook
curé cura  priest
curé sacerdote  priest
dentiste dentista  dentist
domestique criado  servant
douanier aduanero  customs officer
éboueur basurero  dustman
écrivain escritor  writer
électricien electricista  electrician
employé empleado  employee
employé de banque empleado de banco  bank clerk
employé de bureau oficinista  office worker
enfermière enfermero  nurse
étudiant estudiante  student
facteur cartero  postman
fermier granjero  farmer
horloger relojero  watchmaker
hôtesse de l´air azafata  air hostess
ingénieur ingeniero  engineer
jardinier jardinero  gardener
journaliste periodista  journalist
juge juez  judge
libraire librero  bookseller 
maçon albañil  builder
mannequin modelo  model
marin marinero  sailor
mécanicien mecánico  mechanic
médecin médico  doctor
mineur minero  miner
moine monje  monk
moniteur monitor  instructor
nounou niñera nanny
ouvrier obrero  labourer
pêcheur pescador  fisherman
peintre pintor  painter
pharmacien farmacéutico  chemist
pilote piloto  pilot
plombier fontanero  plumber 
policier policía  policeman
politicien político  politician
pompier bombero  fireman
professeur profesor  teacher
psychiatre psiquiatra  psychiatrist
psychologue psicólogo psychologist
réceptionniste recepcionista  receptionist
religieuse monja  nun
reporter reportero  reporter
scientifique científico  scientist
secrétaire secretario  secretary
serveur camarero/a  waiter/waitress
soldat soldado  soldier
sténodactylo taquimeca  shorthand typist
tailleur d´habit sastre  tailor
technicien técnico  technician
toreador torero  bullfighter
traducteur traductor  translator
vendeur vendedor  salesman
vendeur/se dependiente  shop assistant
vétérinaire veterinario  vet 

Jobs and Professions


president, vice-president, executive officer (CEO);
director, deputy director, managing director, financial director, marketing director;
general manager, assistant manager, manager;
personnel manager, production manager, marketing manager, sales manager, project manager;
supervisor, inspector;


office clerk, receptionist, secretary, typist, stenographer;


banker, bank officer, accountant, bookkeeper, economist, teller, cashier, auditor;


doctor, physician, family doctor, general practitioner;
eye specialist, ear specialist, throat specialist, heart specialist;
cardiologist, surgeon, pediatrician, psychiatrist, dentist, dietician, pharmacist, veterinarian;
nurse, paramedic;


chef, head cook, cook;
maitre d', headwaiter, waiter, waitress, bartender, barman;

Sales and stores

sales representative, sales manager;
salesperson, salesman, saleswoman, salesgirl, salesclerk, cashier;
seller, buyer, wholesale buyer, wholesaler, retailer, distributor, advertising agent;

Art and creative work

musician, composer, singer, dancer;
artist, painter, sculptor, architect;
film director, producer, art director, actor, actress, cameraman;
writer, author, playwright, dramatist, scenarist;
journalist, reporter, correspondent, photographer;
designer, fashion designer, dress designer, interior designer, furniture designer, graphic designer;

School and college

principal, dean, professor, teacher, student, pupil;
schoolteacher, college teacher, university teacher; head teacher, senior teacher;
English teacher, history teacher, maths teacher (BrE), math teacher (AmE), music teacher;


engineer, technician, mechanic;
builder, construction worker, repairer;
welder, bricklayer, mason, carpenter, plumber, painter;


scientist, scholar, researcher, explorer;
mathematician, physicist, chemist, biologist, astronomer;
historian, archeologist, economist, philosopher, psychologist;

Law and order

judge, lawyer, attorney, legal adviser;
police officer, policeman, traffic officer, detective;
guard, bodyguard;


expert, specialist, analyst, consultant, adviser;
computer programmer, computer operator; systems analyst, software specialist;
web developer, web programmer, webmaster, web designer;
pilot, flight engineer, flight navigator, flight attendant, stewardess;
driver, taxi driver, bus driver, truck driver; car mechanic;
firefighter, librarian, farmer, tailor, model, politician, priest, travel agent;
hairdresser, hairstylist, barber, beautician, cosmetologist;
cleaning lady, cleaning woman, janitor;

Places of work

office, agency, company, firm, plant, factory, hospital, hotel, school, shop.

Describing a job

a job in electronics, a teaching job, a position as secretary;
an interesting job, a boring job, a good job, a difficult job, a challenging job;
a well-paid job, a highly paid job, a low-paid job, a badly paid job;
a full-time job, a part-time job, a permanent job, a temporary job.

Related terms

to hire, to fire, to quit one's job;
unemployed, jobless; to look for a job; to apply for a job;
letter of application for a job, resume, CV, interview;
contract, work agreement;
employer, employee, staff member; to be on staff;
temporary worker, freelance worker, freelancer, season worker;
to work full-time, to work part-time, to have a part-time job, to work overtime;
pay, wages, salary, income, bonus, tips;
to be paid by the hour, to be paid by the month;
monthly pay, weekly pay, hourly pay, yearly pay, annual pay;
gross pay, net pay, take-home pay, overtime pay;
taxes, expenses, deductions;
fringe benefits, sick leave, maternity leave, holiday, vacation, pension plan;
medical insurance, health insurance, accident insurance, life insurance;
She gets ten dollars an hour. She is paid ten dollars an hour. Her hourly pay is ten dollars.
He gets two thousand dollars a month. His monthly pay is two thousand dollars.
They get twenty-three thousand dollars a year. Their annual pay is twenty-three thousand dollars.
His salary is thirty-four thousand dollars a year.

Related phrases

What do you do? What business are you in?
I am a teacher. I am a car dealer. I am a freelance writer.
I am a sales representative. I sell computers.
I work as a psychologist. I work as a stockbroker.
I work at a bank. I work at a small travel agency.
I work at a hotel. I work at a transportation company.
I work for a newspaper. I work for a film company.
I am in real estate. I am in advertising.
I have a small business of my own.
I am a homemaker. I work at home.
I am unemployed at the moment. I am looking for a job right now.
I am looking for a job in marketing. I am looking for a job as a driver.

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